Preventative artery fix provides major

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Written By JohnBarnes

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Benefit after deadly heart attack

Research has shown that stents are better than the open the artery that caused the heart attack.

Clogged arteries are responsible for approximately half of all heart attacks. The goal of physicians was to open the artery that is responsible for the blockage and provide treatment with drugs.

The study involved 130 hospitals from 31 states. It proved that opening the blockages is more effective than treating the one congestion that caused the heart attack. This increased the risk of death or recurrent heart attacks for the patient.

The Entire trial was published today in the New England Journal of Medicine. It was introduced today as a clinical science session in the European Society of Cardiology Congress and the World Congress of Cardiology at Paris.

Dr. Shamir R., research leader, stated, “Given its large size, global scope, and focus on patient-centered outcomes, the comprehensive trial will transform how physicians treat this condition as well as protect against countless thousand of recurrent hearts attacks worldwide every year.”

Mehta, Population Health Research Institute (PHRI), McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences.

He said that although it was clear that the blocking of an artery was beneficial in causing a heart attack, it was not clear if the use of stents to open blocked arteries could have prevented death. The majority of doctors would use drugs to treat blockages that are more severe.

This research clearly showed that a draining each artery can have a long-term benefit in preventing heart attacks. Mehta said that there was no major drawback to these extra processes.

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The Canadian Institutes of Health Research funded the study and sent it to the PHRI. It included 4,041 patients.

“The benefits emerged over time and were comparable when additional stent procedures could be performed anytime within the first 45 days after a heart attack,” stated Mehta, who is also a PHRI senior researcher and a former McMaster University professor of medicine and an interventional cardiologist at Hamilton Health Sciences.

Mehta stated that within the past three decades, the risk of another heart attack or death fell to 7.8% for patients who received absolute revascularization. This compares to 10.5 percent for people who had a stent only for the artery that caused the first heart attack. It is a significant difference.

The advantage is greater when you consider additional events such as acute chest pain that may require repeat stenting 22.

If they suffered unwanted effects like bleeding or stroke, there was no difference in the results.