Design Your Lifestyle – How Lifestyle Design Works and What Steps to Take

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Written By JohnBarnes

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Who wouldn’t want a lifestyle where they did what they wanted, when they wanted? I embraced lifestyle designing and I am enjoying my life now even more.

What is lifestyle design? Well, simply put, you plan out how your lifestyle goes, where you want to live, what you want to do, how you work. Without restrictions, without limitations. You work remotely and just work when you feel like it.

Maybe you felt like going to Tokyo and staying there for half a year. Maybe you wanted to meet new people, experience the culture and learn Kanji all the while working like you were still back home. Can you see it? I hope you can because people have been doing this for quite a while now.

There are 5 Stages Of Lifestyle Design. I tweaked Timothy Ferriss’ stages to fit what I experienced in my life. Feel free to check out his book The Four Hour Work Week.

1. Definition
I also call this as the Recalibrate/Recalibration stage. This is where you set your priorities, define your goals clearly and figure out how you will design your life.

2. Elimination
In order to have more time to do your priorities, to reach your goals, you need to eliminate the Time Wasters. The redundant errands you run, the phone calls you shouldn’t be wasting your time on or even the needless surfing on the internet for things you don’t really need. Eliminate to attain more.

3. Creation
To be free, you need a constant source of income, money. You need a business and you have to start it fast. The online world is huge and opportunities are plenty. Start your own business online fit for your lifestlye.

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4. Automation
To be be free from your business, you need to systemize how you run your business. You have to be able to work from anywhere. You do not have to be the clog, the decision maker for everything. You have to outsource because you cannot do everything by yourself. Automate your business and see the difference of looking from the outside rather than from the inside.

5. Freedom
This is where you and a billion other people want to be. They just don’t know how to but now you do. Live your life to the fullest. Give back to the community. Live in Spain. Work at the cafe in Beijing. Party until dawn in the beaches of the Philippines. Whatever you want, wherever you want, however you want. That is lifestyle design at it’s best.

Are you really going to spend the rest of your life toughing it out, just to stick with your job which you really hate or are you going to do something about it?

To progress in life, you need to keep learning new things, embrace change and take massive action. Take the first step now to your new life!

Ceena Giselle is an entrepreneur and marketer, specializing on business creation and online marketing. Her newest website, Your Lifestyle Designer [], which talks about lifestyle design, goal setting and business creation, just launched. Go to [] to participate with other people and accelerate your learning by signing up to get the Lifestyle Designer Blueprint and Bonus Course!

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